[Drama] To Be a Star

Haiiii...hari ini adalah hari terakhir di tahun 2014, soalnya besok udah tanggal 1 Januari...
Oya, hari ini aku beres-beres rumah, terus aku nemu skrip drama waktu aku kelas 1 SMA. Aduuuuh....jadi ingat masa-masa SMA dulu...nggak kebayang kalo dulu aku orangnya PD banget, asli nggak tau malu kaya’nya. Tapi masa-masa SMA emang nggak terlupakan apalagi momen-momen bareng sahabat-sahabatku. Rasanya jadi pengen balik ke masa lalu.haha
Oke, balik ke rencana semula...hari ini aku mau nulis skrip drama itu.... This is a drama script from the first group, the title is “To Be a Star”.

Mutiah                           as Kajol
Nurpah Sari                   as Stepmother
Ani Rosani                     as Pretty
Siti Jumratul Aulia         as Kharena
M. Resqy                        as Guard & Evil
Azhar Edy W.                 as Syah Rukh Khan
Misnawati                      as Narrator


In one kingdom, there lived a beautiful girl. Her name was Kajol. She lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters. Her stepmother’s name was Angelica, and her stepsisters’ name were  Pretty and Kharena. Her father was dead. But, her father gave legacy a magic bottle. Everyday Kajol worked like slave. But, she loved her stepmother and her stepsisters.
One day, someone knocked their house. Tok...Tok...
Guard          : Any body home?
Mother        : Kajol... open the door now!
Kajol            : Yes, mom.
Kajol            : Oh kingdom guard... what’s wrong?
Guard          : I want to tell a message from my King Shah Rukh Khan.
Mother        : Kajol, who’s come in?
Kajol            : Kingdom guard, mom. He brings a message from King Shah Rukh Khan.
Mom Angelica, Pretty and Kharena ran to kingdom guard.
Mother        : Oh kingdom guard. I’m very happy cause you come to my house. Please, go into my house.
Guard           : Thanks. But, I want to tell you about a message from King Shah Rukh Khan here.
Mother        : Please.
Guard          : This is brochure about singing contest to every girl in palace. The requisite are single, at the age of 15-18 y.o, and smart of singing.
Mother        : oh... my daughters will go along in this contest.
Pretty         : Yes, cause besides I’m beautiful, cute, I’m smart of singing too.
Kharena       : Yuup, but in toilet... Ukh, a sweet voice is me.
Mother        : Stop... You all make me shy.
Guard          : He...he...he... no problem. Well, it’s time for me to leave...
Then, Kajol muse alone.
Kajol            : Hmmm... mom... Can I go along the contest?
Kharena       : What?!! No, the stage can be disarray. You know?!!
Pretty         : Yes, you can’t go along, cause you will be shy.
Mother        : Yes, you must help your sisters to prepare to go along the contest to night.
Kajol did everything of her mother and sisters’ order with disappointed. At night, when everybody already went to contest. Kajol muse alone. Then, she caress a magic bottle. Then...
Evil           : Huah... akh... I’m happy cause I can go out from this bottle. Thanks beautiful princess.
Kajol            : Akh... who are you? Oh... I want fainted now.
Evil             : No, don’t be fainted now. Ok... I’m evil spirit from Arabian land. Cause you make me free... So, you can ask 3 requests to me.
Kajol            : Really?
Evil              : Yup...
Kajol         : Ok... 1) I want to use a beautiful gown, 2) Car to go to contest, and 3) Smart of singing.
Evil              : Ok.... Simsalabim Abrakadabra...
Kajol            : wow, this gown is very beautiful and this is...broom? What’s the meaning?
Evil             : He...he... I’m sorry. Now the road is stuck. You can fly using broom, so you won’t come late.
Kajol          : problem for me... Lalala... wow, my voice is sweet. Thanks, this is like a dream.
Evil            : But, this dream only until 12p.m. So, you must come back when 12 p.m, cause those will be lost.
          Kajol went with her flying broom to singing contest. There, she registered list and found number of contestant. The King openned the singing contest happily.
King        : Assalamu’alaikum... my populace and all of contestants. Tonight is singing contest to look for my son’s, Hritik Roshan, partner in making a music album. Ok, I open this contest by saying Basmallah...
          After one by one the contestant ascend to stage, so now Kajol will ascend to stage. All eyes saw Kajol cause her beauty and her voice.  
King             : Now, I will tell the winner from this contest. The winner is... Kajol.
Than, Hritik Roshan invited Kajol to chat in garden.
Hritik          : Kajol, you are very beautiful tonight and your voice is very sweet.
Kajol            : Thanks.
Suddenly, clock in garden was ringing.
Kajol            : What is sound?
Hritik          : It’s sound of clock, cause now is 12p.m.
Kajol            : I’m sorry. I must go home.
Hritik                   : Wait... your contestant card... You can’t receive your present without this....
But she didn’t hear prince’s scream. She ran to come back home. The next day, a kingdom guard come to Kajol’s house again.
Guard         : Based on the information  we found from many sources, we knew Kajol is the winner of the contest last night.
Mother        : That’s impossible! You are kidding.
Pretty         : Yes, I don’t believe you before I see the evidence.
Kharena       : Me too. You are liar!
Guard          : That’s true. I’m serious. I don’t lie. This is the evidence.
Mom, Sist    : OMG! That’s impossible.
Kajol            : Yes, I’m the winner of singing contest last night.
Mom, Sist    : OH NOOOOOO.....
Then Kajol and Hritik Roshan made music album together and the title was “I’m Falling in Love”. Finally Kajol lived happily....
Hahaha....ngakak baca nih skrip... apalagi meraninnya. Hmm..dulu aku nyanyi apa ya...kok lupa ya. Haha..mungkin emang lebih baik lupa daripada ingat kelakuanku dulu. :D

[ESP] My ESP Task

Name              : Mutiah
SRN                : 1101120673
Subject           : English for  Specific Purposes
  1. Find an english text of a specific purpose for teaching material!
  2. Make 10 questions related the text!
  3. Make the evaluation system of the teaching material!
Topic   : English for tourism
Theme : Giving information about hotel, city, program, etc.
Text :
Ladies and gentlemen, now we are in the outskirt of the city of Yogyakarta. We are in the east of the city of Yogyakarta, approximately twenty kilometers from the city center. We are going directly to Hotel Suhadi. It is a five star hotel located not far from here. It will take about fifteen minutes to get there. It is an excellent hotel located in the middle of rice fields. The scenery of the surrounding is very nice. It is quite. There are five restaurants there, two European restaurants, one Japanese, one Korean, and one Indonesian restaurant. So you can have breakfast, lunch, and dinner there. Its distance to the center of city is about ten kilometers. There are many taxis ready to take you to the city.
This city is unique for its history, its characteristic, and its role in Indonesia. It has a long history, so it has many historical edifices like temples of Borobudur and Prambanan, and also Keraton or Palace that we are going to visit tomorrow. It is now a center of learning. There are many good universities and schools here. One of them, Gadjah Mada University, is one of the best universities in Indonesia. Besides, it has an important political role during the revolution in midforties. It was once the capital of Republic of Indonesia for a short period by then.
Today you have a free program. Tomorrow, July 13, 2005, we will visit the Prambanan Temple and the surrounding temples, Sultan’s Palace, have lunch at an Indonesian restaurant, bird market, and batik home industry. The day after tomorrow, July 14, 2005, we will visit Borobudur Temple and the surrounding temples in the morning, the following day you will check out in the morning.
Ladies and gentlemen, your hotel is there on your right.
  1. Who is the speaker? The speaker is a guide.
  2. When do the tourists arrive at their hotel? The tourists arrive at their hotel on July 12, 2005.
  3. Where is the located of Hotel Suhadi? It is located in the middle of rice fields.
  4. What city is the center of learning? The center of learning is Yogyakarta.
  5. Why does Yogyakarta has important role in midforties? Because, it was once the capital of Republic of Indonesia for a short period by then.
  6. How can the tourists go to the center of the city from their hotel? They can go there by taxi.
  7. How many restaurants are there? There are five restaurants there, two European restaurants, one Japanese, one Korean, and one Indonesian restaurant.
  8. Where will they visit on July 13, 2005? They will visit the Prambanan Temple and the surrounding temples, Sultan’s Palace, bird market, and batik home industry.
  9. Why is this city unique for its history? Because, it has many historical edifices like temples of Borobudur and Prambanan, and Keraton or Palace.
  10. When will they check out from hotel? They will check out in the morning on July 15, 2005.

Evaluation System:
Demonstrates complete understanding of the problem. All requirements of task are included in response.
Demonstrates considerable understanding of the problem. All requirements of task are included.
 Demonstrates partial understanding of the problem. Most requirements of task are included.
Demonstrates little understanding of the problem. Many requirements of task are missing.
Demonstrates no understanding of the problem.
No response/task not attempted.
Direction for scoring rubric can be described as follows:
Amount of total score is 100. The higher score is 5 and the lower one is 0 for each questions.

For example:

Student got 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 5, 4, 3, 4, and 4.

So, (3 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 4) x 2 = 70
                                                             (35) x 2 = 70

It means that student got 70 for his/her answer of the questions.

[Novel] Almost Twilight

Hmmm...malam-malam gini bosan nggak ada yang dikerjakan...cerita tentang apa yaaa...
Oya, ada satu novel yang mengingatkan ku dengan novel-novel lain yang pernah ku baca...tentunya teringat dengan jalur cerita novel bukan bermaksud menyamakannya lho...cuman aku jadi ngerasa gimana yaaa...
Nah, novel ini aku dapat dari temanku...hadiah ultahku tahun ini...makasih banyak yaaa...tau banget kalo aku suka baca, dan pas banget genre novelnya...hehe...hontou ni arigatou na...
Judul novel ini adalah “Almost Twilight” karya Noey Moore atau Nur Indah Alfiana... novel Indonesia nihh...Awalnya aku nggak tertarik membacanya, karna sampulnya bener-bener gambar tokoh dalam film Twilight... Aku jadi berpikiran kalo ceritanya rada mirip dan jadi membosankan. Tapi, karna itu adalah novel yang kudapat dari temanku...yaaah...aku baca deh untuk mengisi waktu luang. Sayangkan kalo disia-sia kan...pemberian dari seorang teman harus dihargai, dilestarikan, dan dibudidayakan *ehh...*
Ternyata eh ternyata....seru juga...walau tokoh yang ada bener-bener sama persis sama yang ada dalam novel or film Twilight, secara judul novel ini kan “Almost Twilight”. Jadi, aku maklumi dehhh...
Terus...kenapa diawal aku bilang jadi ingat beberapa novel lain? Ya, karna ceritanya yang rada mirip dikit,, nggak juga...duhhh gimana bilangnya yaa...
Aaaaargh...apa aja deh...yang jelas aku jadi ingat novel “Aerial” karya Sitta Karina...terus “Blue Bloods” karya (emmm...aduh aku lupa...maaf) dan tentunya “Twilight” karya Stephanie Mayer...
Oke deh, aku tau sinopsisnya dikit... 
Novel ini bercerita tentang gadis yatim piatu bernama Enola. Saat umurnya tepat 19 tahun, seorang pria paruh baya bernama Saul datang ke Panti Asuhan memberikannya potongan liontin yang berisi foto ayahnya. Saul pun mulai membuka identitas kedua orangnya.
Hal yang lebih mengejutkan Enola adalah Saul datang tidak hanya membawa liontin itu. Tapi juga membawa surat rekomendasi untuk menempuh pendidikan di Jurusan Kedokteran Universitas Harvard. Keren banget....
Tapi, semuanya nggak berjalan mulus begitu saja. Tak lama dari itu, peristiwa-peristiwa aneh pun terjadi. Mulai dari tertidur di toilet saat menunggu pesawat, terlambat masuk pesawat, ditambah salah masuk pesawat. Kebayang nggak tuh gimana perasaan Enola saat itu. Untung ada cowo yang duduk disebelahnya yang baik dan menenangkannya. Cowo itu bernama Laurel yang menjadi teman Enola, dan menyelamatkannya saat pesawat yang ditumpangi mereka jatuh.
Dari kejadian ini lah, kisah petualangan Enola dimulai. Soalnya, kecelakaan itu membawanya masuk ke suatu dunia yang diisi oleh sosok alias para tokoh dalam novel “Twilight”. Bener-bener diluar akal sehat...Ya iyalah, ini kan novel...
Enola ditemukan di pinggiran hutan Forks dan mengalami amnesia. Ia kemudian dirawat oleh keluarga Swan, yang terdiri dari Charlie dan Bella. Sayangnya, kehadiran Enola membuat Edward dan keluarganya jadi curiga. Enola nggak tau kenapa dia diperlakukan seperti makhluk yang sangat berbahaya oleh keluarga Cullen.
Dalam pencarian jati dirinya, Enola bertemu dengan Kay, anak laki-laki yang cepet banget pertumbuhannya. Dapat diperkirakan kalo Kay juga bukan manusia normal. Dari pertemuan inilah Enola mulai mengetahui kekuatannya dan mulai berlatih menguasainya.
Sayangnya, di tengah cerita si Kay mati dibunuh sama para Ksatria Suku Gelap. Saking marahnya, si Enola memusnah para Ksatria Suku Gelap itu. Kekuatannya bangkit bro...
Oiya, tiba-tiba si Saul datang lagi, dan bilang kalo ayah Enola masih hidup. Ternyata ayahnya adalah Penguasa Malam...Kasta tertinggi dari makhluk malam...Keluarga Cullen mah kalah, secara kalo diibaratkan mereka itu kasta terendah...ckck...nggak heran kalo Enola punya kekuatan yang teramat dasyat.
Yang lebih mengejutkan lagi nih, Enola ternyata hasil perkawinan silang (kaya tanaman aja..hehe) dari Penguasa Malam dan Penguasa Siang. Tapi, dalam diri Enola lebih dominan ke Suku Terang, makanya Enola nggak masalah kalo terpapar matahari.
Satu lagi, keluarga Cullen nggak tau kalo Enola adalah putri dari Penguasa Malam. Taunya sih kalo si Enola adalah Putri Fajar, dari Suku Terang alias Penguasa Siang. Cuman Dokter Carlisle yang tau..
Nah, tiba-tiba datang lagi tokoh Pangeran Senja, Trey, saudara tiri Enola. Di dekat Trey, Enola nggak bisa memakai kekuatannya. Kaya’ terserap gitu, jadi seperti manusia biasa deh...Ternyata eh ternyata, si Trey cuman baik di depan doank...dia pengen ngebunuh Enola untuk keabadiannya...
Saat Trey mau membunuh Enola, si Laurel datang....nggak tau kenapa Trey mengurungkan niatnya dan menghilang gitu aja...hmmmm bingung...segitu aja deh sinop-nya.
Pokoknya...baca aja sendiri...oya nilainya 8 dari 10, jadi cukup bagus untuk di baca,,,