Name : Mutiah
SRN : 1101120673
Class : A
Subject : English Drama
of Empires
Madina town was quite crowded. Some friends came to the Prophet and asked
him about the case.
Ayyub: You showed us the way to glory
with your words, O Messenger of Allah.
(Prophet nods)
Ayyub: Allow me to proclaim allegiance
to the followers. Assalamu'alaikum. (Bow)
(The friends moved away. They went into a house, there were the other friends that were waiting Ayyub)
(The friends moved away. They went into a house, there were the other friends that were waiting Ayyub)
Friend: What
did our prophet say, Ayyub?
Ayyub: Rasulullah SAW.
said: Constantinople would fall into the hands of Islam. Leaders
who conquer it is
the best of leaders. And the troops under
his command was the best of
troops. (HR. Ahmad ibn Hanbal
29 March 1432
In a
monarchy, the sultan was reading the Qur'an, Al
Fath (victory). A messenger told to Sultan.
Messenger : Huma Hatun gave birth a healthy boy,
Murad II: Give him the name Mehmed to show our respect for the prophet. I
gave him a name, let God determine his fate.
Scene 3
Saruhan Sancagi 1451
Mehmet and Hasan was practicing sword. Someone came to submit a letter to the Sultan.
Messenger : There is a letter from Halil Pasha in Edirne, Sultan.
Messenger : There is a letter from Halil Pasha in Edirne, Sultan.
Sultan Mehmed read the letter. His expression suddenly changed.
Sultan Mehmed immediately went to Edirne. Once there, he saw his father's body lying on
a bed.
Mehmed approached and knelt beside his father.
Then he kissed his father's hand.
Mehmed : You
have a strong hand to conquer the city.
But, you never hug me.
He kissed his father's hand. Mehmed
went back to the throne.
Scene 4
The news of the death of Sultan
Murad II had spread to all of the country. Many kingdoms didn’t
like with Sultan Mehmed for leading his kingdom.
Constantinople – Istanbul
Someone rode a horse and
went to a castle.
Messenger : Sultan Murad II has died, My Majesty. Now, Sultan
Mehmed is leading the kingdom for a second time.
Caesar : I know you are as happy as me to hear the
Notaras: Not with me, my Majesty.
Other Duke : It means, Duke Notaras is afraid that Mehmed attack the city as his father
Notaras: It is not possible, the
sultan Mehmed just want to destroy our kingdom. He studied the science of
machines to destroy our defense. He learned our language
to know our weaknesses. And he learned our religion to shake our confidence.
He's probably still very young now. But he's the anti-Christ.
Caesar : Duke Notaras... Don’t worry. Sultan
Mehmed an ever deposed. He had no authority in the society. We will show our
strength before he knew it. Send envoys to Edirne.
In a
crowded dock ...
Era. I spoke with Duke. But, he didn’t interested in the design of your new
Era: I think so.
But he said you can ... soon building a cannon factory if your father agrees.
Era: You know my
father. He will not approve it.
Gustiniani: I know. And
it was already I delivered at Duke.
Thank you for a very appreciative. Good bye.
Scene 6
The war started to happen, the Emperor Constantine began to worry because the people support the sultan. Duke Notaras had a strategy.
The war started to happen, the Emperor Constantine began to worry because the people support the sultan. Duke Notaras had a strategy.
Messenger : Mr. Urban. Duke
Notaras want to see you.
Era : Father?
Urban : Go home. There's no need to worry.
Messenger : Come on.
In the castle...
Notaras : Welcome, Mr. Urban. As you know,
we're against the city of the Gentiles.
Urban : This is not my
battle, sir.
Notaras : All the Christians had to intervene. Including you.
Notaras : All the Christians had to intervene. Including you.
Urban : I have no
desire or ability to make a cannon that you want. I'm sorry.
Notaras : Think about your daughter, not you. We do not want the pretty girl hurt, right? You have until morning to change your mind. You can leave now.
Notaras : Think about your daughter, not you. We do not want the pretty girl hurt, right? You have until morning to change your mind. You can leave now.
Scene 7
battle lasted for 40 days. Era and
his father helped to make a cannon
for royal turkey. Because they want a happy ending. They were disappointed with konstantin soldiers who have burned their villages.
Konstantine : They break down the walls! They break down the walls!
Soldier : They made it. They managed to break through the wall Romano, My Majesty. You have to go from here. We must return to the palace. You have to stay in a safe place until we managed to repel them.
Soldier : They made it. They managed to break through the wall Romano, My Majesty. You have to go from here. We must return to the palace. You have to stay in a safe place until we managed to repel them.
Scene 8
The war
still hold.
In a
Notaras : Residents and soldiers ...sure ... if we lose God's holy light ... and
return to heaven. You have to
leave this town, My Majesty.
Caesar : Our Holy light has returned to heaven ... for a long time. At least I have to fight ...for the sake of my honor ...until the death.
constantine is fail, and the caesar wass dead.
Soldier : your caesar is dead. You're under
The Last Scene
Sultan Mehmed entered the territory of Constantine. The people cheered.
People : Long live our Sultan. Long
live our Sultan.
Sultan looked at the prisoner.
Mehmed :
Stand up.
Bury your caesar as your religion.
King looked at all the people. He smiled.
Mehmed :Do not worry.
From now on, your life,
you guys,
and you are part of us too.
You are free to live according to your beliefs.